Service Improvement Group


Date Last Met

Business & Value For Money

Remit: Working with the council to ensure that the council is making the most of tenant’s rents.


Topics from 2019/20 included: Energy Strategy; Universal Credit; New Housing IT System, grounds maintenance; SHINE programme updates; combating social isolation; resident inspectors updates


Tenancy & Neighbourhoods

Remit: Working with the council to ensure estates are clean, safe and pleasant to live in and that tenants and leaseholders are treated with fairness and respect


Topics from 2017/18 included: Tenancy Agreement review; estate inspection procedure; EDB consultation; residents rights to safety & security



Remit: Working with the council to ensure that tenants and leaseholders’ homes are of a high standard.


Topics include: Quality Assurance – repairs efficiency & service; Carbon neutrality; future standards; Value for Money of new procurements;

Resident Inspector reports; Monitoring contracts


Involvement & Empowerment

Remit: Working with the council to ensure tenants and leaseholders have a say in the services the council provides, and that ways they can engage with the council are inclusive, accessible, respectful, equitable, safe and fair for everyone.


Topics include: Support for tenant associations; engagement; communication; residents training; events; lettings; tenancy; Anti-Social Behaviour; STAR report
